热熔胶涂布机应用范围 热熔胶涂布机应用范围逐渐广泛,例如,人们常见的医用膏药贴、医用试纸都需要用热熔胶涂布机设备进行生产。 Hot melt adhesive coating machine has a wide range of applications. For example, the most common medical plaster and medical test paper need to be produced by hot melt adhesive coating machine equipment. 据业内人士介绍,传统的溶剂型和水剂型粘合剂固化时一般需要烘箱,并占用大的厂房空间,耗能十分大,此外还会产生很多的废水和污泥,非常不环保,且不利于人体健康。随着人们环境意识的提高及相关法律的建立和完善,溶剂型粘合剂因对环境污染影响太大,其应用每年正以一定的速度下降。而水型胶有耐水性差、电气特性不良、干燥时间长、能量消耗大等缺点,它的应用也逐年减少。 According to the industry, traditional solvent type and water agent adhesives generally need oven, and occupy more room space, energy consumption is very large, in addition, there will be a lot of waste water and sludge, very environmental protection, and is not conducive to human health. With the improvement of people's environmental awareness and the establishment and improvement of relevant laws, the application of solvent adhesives is decreasing at a certain rate every year because of the great impact on environmental pollution. The water-based adhesive has many disadvantages, such as poor water resistance, poor electrical characteristics, long drying time and large energy consumption. Its application is decreasing year by year. 与传统的两种形式相比,热熔胶涂布机具有性能稳定、原料利用率高、生产速度快、成品率高、设备占地面积小和投资小等优点,其工作原理是一种可将固态的热熔胶熔化,并通过加压装置将熔化后变为液态的胶输送到胶涂布装置对基材实行涂布,是一种集温度控制功能﹑流体加压输送功能和挤出涂布功能于一体的机电设备,另具备自动控制及自动跟踪生产线速度的功能。